I get a lot of emails every day, and the question I hear most is this…
“Jill, how much oxalate is in ___________? It’s not on the list.”
My answer is the same now as decades ago: eat that unstudied food once or twice a week (I am very practical—you might have leftovers) in normal portions and meet your calcium needs each day.
This regular portion size business is how many of you gained a kidney stone. You ate large portions of high oxalate foods frequently without meeting your calcium needs. It is critical to meet your calcium needs.
My advice might make you a bit nervous. Why? You never want the pain of a kidney stone again, and eating food that has not been studied is scary. I understand. But rest assured, my advice has never let me (or my patients) down. You can always choose not to eat the unstudied food, but you certainly don’t have to make that choice.
As a patient, I understand the uncertainty you may feel. We all want to make the best choice possible so that we can achieve the desired outcomes. I can’t give you certainty about everything, but I can give you certainty about the portion-not-perfect rule.
Eat all foods within a reasonable portion size (except spinach and almonds) once or twice a week and get your calcium needs met. You might want to pair the unstudied food with some calcium, too. Remember, it’s about portion control, not striving for a perfect diet.
Also, if my advice makes you feel unsettled, eat the unstudied food on the day of your urine collection. Get your calcium needs met, and you will see for yourself and feel more confident going forward with unstudied foods.
Do you need help dialing in your diet and prevention plan?
– Take my self-guided Kidney Stone Prevention Course.
– Learn to cook for prevention with my Meal Plan Service.
– Stay accountable with my Group Coaching Calls,
– Understand your urine collection results with my Urine Analysis Consultation.
Your friend and forever advocate,
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