Welcome to the Kidney Stone Diet®! Whether you’re new or a long time stoner, this is the one-stop-shop for everything kidney stone prevention.


What is the Kidney Stone Diet®?

Simply put, the Kidney Stone Diet is a set of goals that can reduce your kidney stone risk by up to 80%.


Get Your Oxalate Food Lists!

Enter your email to download the Second Edition Harvard Oxalate List as well as the Original Harvard Oxalate List for FREE.

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast
Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Searchable Oxalate Food List

If you’re a kidney stone former and were told to lower your intake of high oxalate foods, this is an essential tool.

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Prevention Advice & Education.

Join me every Tuesday for a new episode of the Kidney Stone Diet Podcast where I discuss various aspects of the KSD lifestyle, answer patient questions, and provide the most accurate and useful information I can to help you on your journey to a stone-free life.

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Private Facebook Group.

If you suffer from kidney stones, join this group. It’s a gold mine of information, videos, and support.

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Join My Free Newsletter!

Keep on top of your kidney stone prevention with weekly insights and advice from me, Jill Harris—your personal prevention specialist.

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Kidney Stone-Safe Snacks & Meals

If you think you have to give up all your favorite foods…THINK AGAIN! Whether you’re gluten-free, vegan, or a meat lover, here you’ll find simple Kidney Stone Diet-approved recipes.

Are you ready to feel good GREAT again?

Put an end to your overwhelm and take back control of your health with my proven prevention tools.

My eight-part, self-guided video course gives you the practical knowledge you need to prevent future kidney stones.

Stop wondering what to eat! With my Weekly Meal Plans, you’ll have all the recipes and inspiration you need to make healthy food choices every day!

In these 1-hour private consults we deep dive into your health and kidney stone history, review urinalysis reports, look closely at your diet, and devise a game plan to prevent new stones.

Get the answers you need to your specific questions. I hold calls 3 days per week and you can join as many as you like (the more the better!).

Make sense of your 24-hour urine collection results. These reports tell us WHY you’re making stones and are critical in reducing future risk.

“Yes!! I feel so much better and am down 55 pounds! Recent labs were fantastic—A1C was down to 5.9. (Type 2 diabetic)”

James P. Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member

“Since following the Kidney Stone Prevention Diet for the last 7 months, my 48-hour urine analysis is the best I’ve had—very happy about that. I’m so thankful for Jill.”

Jess T. Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member

“Thank you Jill Harris and the Kidney Stone Diet and Prevention Page! I’m now two years ten months kidney stone free!”

Sarah R. Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member

“Best class! Helped me understand what the doctor was not explaining when it came to prevention. What I really liked was all the detail as well as the passion!”

Terri E. Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

What Others Say.

Hear how this kidney stone prevention platform has impacted other stone formers just like you.

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Kidney Stone Diet Goals.

Download your free high-resolution, 8.5″ x 11″ KSD Goals Reminder.

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Kidney Stone Diet Grocery List

Download your free high-resolution, printable Fruit & Veggie Grocery List! 

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Printable High Oxalate Food List

Download and print your list of high oxalate foods to avoid. 

Kidney Stone Diet Podcast

Want to share what you’ve learned here with your doctor?

Download and print this flyer and hand it to your doctor. The more people we can help, the better!