Welcome to the Kidney Stone Diet®! Whether you’re new or a long time stoner, this is the one-stop-shop for everything kidney stone prevention.

What is the Kidney Stone Diet®?
First thing first, if you haven’t read my article on what the Kidney Stone Diet is, that’s the place to start.
Oxalate Food Lists.
At the top of the ticket are the Oxalate Lists. We have a few versions of the Oxalate Food List by Harvard, and all are free to use and download.
- The Searchable Oxalate Food List. This, as the name suggests, is my searchable food list that you can use to quickly find the oxalate levels of the food you’re about to buy/eat. The best part, you can add this searchable oxalate list to your phone by following these simple instructions.
- If you haven’t gotten your copies of the Harvard Oxalate Food List and my Simple & Safe Oxalate Food List, you can grab both for free by entering your email below.
Kidney Stone Diet® Podcast.
Every week I release a new episode of the Kidney Stone Diet Podcast where I discuss various aspects of the KSD lifestyle, answer patient questions, and provide the most useful information I can to help you on your journey to a stone-free life.
Private Facebook Group.
Along with the website, podcast, and other platforms, I also run a free private Facebook Group that you should 100% be a part of if you suffer from stones. I share tons of information and videos over there—join me!
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Kidney Stone Diet®
If you are not receiving my Kidney Stone Diet® Newsletter, you should. Keep on top of your kidney stone prevention each Saturday with an email from me delivered right to your inbox.
Articles You Should Read.
Here are a few articles from my blog and elsewhere that I think you should read first.
Kidney Stone-Safe Recipes!
I’ve started a recipe section on my website because I keep hearing how hard it is to find stuff to eat. We’re fixing that with simple, healthy, and kidney stone-safe recipes for all types of diets. Whether you’re gluten-free, vegan, or a meat lover, here you’ll find a simple recipe that’s Kidney Stone Diet-approved. New recipes are added weekly!
My Products.
When you’re ready to commit to a kidney stone-free life, I have you covered.
- The Kidney Stone Prevention Course. Learn how to prevent new kidney stones and take back control of your life with my 5-part, self-guided video course.
- Meal Planning. The inspiration you need to make healthy food choices every day.
- Private Coaching. Want me all to yourself? Schedule a one hour consult to get specific guidance on how to implement the Kidney Stone Diet into your life!
- 24-Hour Urinalysis Consult. Understanding how the values on 24-hour urine collections impact your kidney stone formation is an essential part of lowering your kidney stone risk.
- Daily Group Calls. Speak directly with Jill about your kidney stone treatment plan so you can get on track and stay on track. Calls are held 3 times a week.
What Others Say.
I feel grateful every day for the work I do and for all the love I receive from my patients. If you’d like to hear how this Kidney Stone Prevention platform has impacted others, I’ve shared some love and stories here.
Kidney Stone Diet® Goals
Download your free high-resolution, 8.5″ x 11″, printable Kidney Stone Diet Goals reminder.
Printable Grocery List
Click the button below to download your free high-resolution, 8.5″ x 11″, printable Fruit & Veggie Grocery List!
Printable High Oxalate List
Click the button below to download a free high-resolution, 8.5″ x 11″, printable list of high oxalate foods to avoid.
Want to share what you’ve learned here with your doctor?
Download and print this flyer and hand it to your doc. The more people we can help, the better!