What Others Say.
Below, you’ll find stories from patients just like you along with some kind words I’ve received from members of the Kidney Stone Prevention Course, subscriber of my Meal Plans, and more.
Professional Endorsement

“During the 12 years she worked at Litholink Jill Harris gave thousands of kidney stone patients the advice and support they needed to achieve dietary and lifestyle changes their physicians had prescribed for them. She is an invaluable resource for patients and their families.”
Fredric L. Coe • Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago
“It can be a daunting task to follow a low salt and low oxalate diet, especially if you suffer from other conditions that often necessitate eating foods that are high in oxalate. Jill Harris has the experience and communication skills to help people solve often complex dietary dilemmas. I highly recommend her”.
Robert Nadler, MD • Director of Endourology and Stone Disease, Northwestern Medicine
Patient Testimonials
“The food is delicious, vibrant, fresh, and I’m able to make these meals not just for myself but my family as well.”
“Yes!! I feel so much better and am down 55 pounds! Recent labs were fantastic—A1C was down to 5.9. (Type 2 diabetic)”
“I have been following the Meal Plan for about 6 weeks and I feel amazing. Eating healthy has also encouraged me to go to bed earlier, so I am also getting more sleep. Because of that, I have been able to get up before work and exercise! So yes, the positive effects are spilling over into all areas of a healthy lifestyle.”
I am so grateful that I stumbled across your Facebook page when I did. I heard you loud and clear and started making small changes, one meal at a time, and the rest is history—my labs are all looking great theses days, and I dropped 80 pounds by following your suggestions. At 67 years old, I’m still having to make improvements and adjustments but I’m doing it. I’ve not had a stone since July of 2018.
Jill was absolutely wonderful and straight to the point with the why’s and what I need to do, but you can feel the genuine kindness. I have now been given the kick that I needed to be better and more mindful.
If you are on the fence with whether a call to Jill will be worth it, I can tell you it will be .
Thanks Jill! I appreciate your advice but mostly I appreciate you.
I was curious about Jill’s weekly menu plan. It has so many good comments so I subscribed and now have two weeks worth of meals.
I am so happy I subscribed! I’ve chosen to print it them out for a day-by-day plan to put into a binder for organization. I was worried I would have to plan separate meals for my picky-eater husband but my worries were unfounded. For all but one (in a 2-week period) I can make simple tweaks that will make him a happy camper! On that one day he can go get himself whatever he wants.
I felt so lost and bored with my meal planning and when the kidney stone news hit me I felt immobile—I had no idea what to make.
The plan opened my eyes that I can eat pretty much the same as I had been throughout my life with a few relatively minor changes.
Thank you, Jill Harris!
“Since following the Kidney Stone Prevention Diet for the last 7 months, my 48-hour urine analysis is the best I’ve had—very happy about that. I’m so thankful for Jill.”
Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
A year ago today I made one of the best decisions of my life. I bought Jill’s video course. I had just spent a month recovering from a 5-day hospitalization for sepsis, lithotripsy, etc.
My urologist had given me the oxalate list and, as a vegan, I was sure that I was going to have to starve to death. I was totally overwhelmed and hopeless. When I finally found the Kidney Stone Diet webpage, I thought “maybe there is a way to do this”, but I was really hesitant to spend the money. My sister pushed me saying “how much did your last kidney stone cost you?”. So I signed up. Little did I know how much my life would change.
A year ago I weighed 250 pounds, wore a size 22, took medications for blood pressure and thyroid, and was a total couch potato. Today I weigh 159 pounds, wear a size 10, take no medications, am a little obsessive about exercise. I even took up tap dancing! My urologist gave me an “A+” on my last 24-hour urine and there are no signs of stones.
Jill will say “you did all the hard work”, but I don’t think I could have done it without her and all of the participants in the group accountability calls. I am so very grateful to have all of them in my life!!!
Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“My Urologist contacted me. On a Sunday afternoon. To learn more about the Kidney Stone Diet. Why? Because he is just blown away by how much my numbers have improved since I started with Jill in January and I’ve been stone-free since last November. He’s now going to recommend Jill to his patients. BOOM!💪 👍 👊 Thank you, Jill!!! 🙏“
“I am home from the hospital and dealing with toxic sepsis (yes, that really is a thing separate from toxic sepsis).
Jill, thank you for educating me! It took five days of raising hell to get a dietician to come to see me. I was given spinach tofu stirfry and the nurses couldn’t understand why I refused to eat. Eventually, a dietician did come to see me and, once she realized what was happening, said “OMG, I am so sorry. We do have a low oxalate diet but it is rarely used.”
Make sure you tell the nurses you need the LOW OXALATE DIET! It is available.
Without the education I’m getting here, I never would have known to fight for it. I also made a strong effort to ask for milk at every meal to combat whatever oxalate I was getting.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. 1000 times thank you.”
Maeva • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“I took the course with Jill, and my second 24 hour urine was MUCH better than the first one. She gives very practical information, and it WORKS. I was totally overwhelmed at first. I got very poor diet information from my doctors. Jill made it easy for me to understand, and I took it one day at a time. I still watch her videos when I need a tune-up. Jill is the best, and she really cares about all of us. Take the course—it will help you!!!”
Morris • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“Thank you Jill Harris and the Kidney Stone Diet and Prevention Page! I’m now two years ten months kidney stone free!”
Jake • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“Today I watched part 2 of the video course. I thought I had learned all i could about fluids. Nope. I learned much more and even got some chuckles because she is so real and so funny. It’s almost as if you know her. I highly recommend this course.”
Gail • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
Are you trying to figure out if you can afford Jill’s Kidney Stone Prevention Program? This may help you decide.
I have reviewed my medical bills from 12/31/17 through 12/31/18. Over this period, I had 2 kidney stones that led me to the hospital. Both were 3mm stones. One was treated with pain meds and I was released. I caught the sucker at home. That was New Year’s Eve. A stent was implanted and I had to wear a leg catheter.
I estimate I was unable to go into work for at least 5 days during these episodes. Luckily I didn’t lose any pay from work.
Renal forniceal rupture is a common finding in patients with ureteral obstruction. It is thought to be due to increased renal pelvis pressure from backup of urine, causing one or more renal fornices to leak urine.
My insurance was billed $48,740 for kidney stone related charges over that year. The contracted amount (aka allowed amount) with my insurer was $11,308. I paid $3,206.
Prior to that, I had a kidney stone in mid December 2016 (my first one).
I signed up for Jill’s Prevention Program in February 2018. In December 2018, I had a stone-free kidney ultrasound exam and a good report back on my Litholink results. I haven’t had any kidney stone related problems since February 2018.
Jill’s program is $189.00.
I am not receiving any promotional consideration for this post.
You know Jill’s AMAZING Prevention Program and Accountability Group are worth it when you have your urine analysis follow up with your (awesome) doctor and there’s nothing new he adds to the conversation!
Once again, Jill prepared me for success, health, and to be the best patient! Thank you, Jill Harris!!! I will be renewing my accountability group for the third time. Your guidance and support have given me the tools and the courage to nourish my body and to not make any more stones!!!
Just finished Jill’s course! Bravo, Jill Harris, and thank you, thank you, thank you! You talked about so many things that my four (former) urologists never mentioned at all. I feel educated and confident going forward with dietary changes and less fear, which is huge for me.
“I received very little nutritional advice from my urologist— a single sheet listing from a drug company—and told to greatly increase my water intake. Spinach was listed on the sheet but I wish it had been highlighted in some way.
I increased my hydration and somehow got the idea that as long as my urine stayed clear, I would be fine.
I was wrong.
I began researching the nutrition of stone formation via the internet and found the info from Dr. Coe and Jill Harris. I began to learn more specific details about stone prevention and started to feel more confident and less stressed.
Then I took Jill’s 5 Step Course and all the pieces fell into place.
I returned to my urologist’s office and asked them about a 24 hour urine collection. The resulting Litholink test results were fantastic! All risk factors were LOW. I am so much happier and healthier. Thank you, Jill, for your dedication to stone prevention and for filling a huge need in healthcare.
If you are new to living with kidney stone disease, do yourself a favor and learn from Jill. If a picky eater, meat-bread-potatoes guy like myself can change to low salt, low sugar, limited oxalate, and measured protein and fiber, anyone can.
YOU are in charge of your health—dedicate yourself to Jill’s recommendations and you will be healthier and happier!”
Sandy • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“Why am I writing this long story? Because it’s about not being perfect.
Taking Jill’s course has taught me a lot about eating. Not that I didn’t know how to eat “healthy”—I pride myself on that. But this is about how I still grew myself 11 lovely stones.
Jill’s course is about so much more than kidney stones (although it IS what got me on track and kept me there for the last almost 4 years). It’s about being healthy and eating healthy. It is the best money I ever spent and, no, I don’t get perks for writing this. It’s just the truth.
As informative as this page is, it’s the course that gave me personalized questions to ask my doctor. It’s what showed me what I need to look for in my own blood and urine tests.
So, today I jump back on track. Drink more water. Watch the sodium and sugar and oxalates.”
Marla T • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“The Course is exceptionally helpful. The information was well presented and the time allowed for personal, specific, questions was particularly helpful. The complexity of the issues means that I am developing questions now I never considered prior to taking the Course. I think that will continue as I begin working a prevention program and have additional urine analysis testing done over the next few months. I appreciate Jill’s willingness to answer questions and the Facebook groups’ online presence to continue my “education” on how to avoid future stone formation. My many thanks to Jill and Dr. Coe for the tremendous efforts they are putting into finding ways to help more stone formers understand their disease and how to manage it.”
“Before I took the course I was pulling my hair out with confusion. There is so much misinformation throughout the internet. I was scared to death to eat anything and didn’t understand so many things like the balance between enough dietary calcium, the importance of limiting sodium, sugar, high oxalate foods, animal protein and getting citrate sources. I thought I was always drinking enough water, but I wasn’t. I didn’t know about supersaturation and how important that is. I learned so much in just 5 videos of the course. To me it was a godsend.“
Karen S • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“I loved Jill’s course! I learned so much and realized that I did not need to feel overwhelmed. Taking the course helped me to understand what was best for me according to my 24 hr urine collection and what type of stones I was forming.”
Joe • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
Featured resource
The Definitive Oxalate List
Quickly find the oxalate level of the food you’re eating using my FREE Searchable Oxalate List and Oxalate List Booklet.
“Best class! Helped me understand what the doctor was not explaining when it came to prevention. What I really liked was all the detail as well as the passion!”
Terri E • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“When I was diagnosed with a kidney stone that required back-to-back ER visits and surgery, I knew I had to figure out what to do avoid having another stone. I never want to experience that pain and trauma again.
I make my living as a researcher, so I did what I do best and started searching for information. I was confused and frustrated by all the conflicting information I found on the Internet about kidney stones and stone prevention.
Luckily, I found Dr. Fredric Coe’s website through the University of Chicago, which led me to Jill Harris. I read every word of Jill’s website and knew that she would be able to help me; and, when I met with my urologist not only did he know of Dr. Coe and Jill’s work, he was thrilled that I wanted to work with her.
I have coached privately with Jill, and I have taken her online course. These have made all the difference for me and were some of the best money I have ever spent on my health.
In addition, Jill doesn’t leave you hanging after the video course is over. It can take some time to integrate the knowledge you gain into your day-to-day life. Her 6-Month Accountability Group has been and continues to be a tremendous tool for me as I continue to take charge of my own health. Being able to touch base regularly with Jill, as well as with others who have experienced what I have experienced has been just as important to me as the course was.
I cannot recommend Jill highly enough. If you really want to know how to prevent another stone, Jill can help you.”
Adrienne R • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“Thank you Jill! As I’ve said to you before, you have provided hope for many. I have learned so much from you and Dr. Coe.”
Carolyn • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“Jill and her class have taught me so much about kidney stones and my health. She provides a wealth of information and was helpful when I had questions. It is well worth the time and money to know more about my health and kidney stones.”
Debbie • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“I too was going crazy with all of the conflicting information I was finding and frustrated by my urologist’s lack of knowledge and interest in consulting on my prevention diet. I decided to book an appointment with a nutritionist. She wasn’t able to answer all the question I had, but she did some research and found Jill’s site. The rest is history! I’m so much less frustrated and despondent now, as I have a clear set of principles to follow, and techniques for coping in situations where I don’t have complete information. As an added bonus, I’ve lost a lot of the weight I put on over the last couple of decades. The best health decision I’ve made hands down!”
Mike O • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“Jill Harris is expert in this subject but more important, truly cares about each and every person in the class. She made herself completely available off-line to me, through email and even a personal phone call. The class was a good morale boost and helped me feel better about my situation. I wish her the absolute best with her own health challenges and hope to engage with her again someday.”
“I am more determined to get the stones under control with what I learned from your course. Thank you!”
Lennie • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“I am so glad I participated in this course! The information will definitely help me with my prevention plan. Jill is a wonderful and compassionate instructor and I sure a leader in the field of kidney stone prevention education. I will review the taped classes again soon.”
“This course gave me the information I needed to deal with my kidney stone prevention. It’s much more than limiting oxalates. I can now eat a healthier diet with the knowledge I gained. Thank you Jill!”
“The course exceeded my expectations! It corrected misinformation I received from my urologist and gave me 5 weeks to digest critical information and learn from other’s experiences. After the course, I felt empowered and hopeful I can manage this condition and make other healthy lifestyle changes. It would be helpful to have a session with a nutritionist because I am finding it hard to get enough potassium and calcium and maintain low oxalate. I have shared both Jill’s and Univ Chicago kidney stone sites with the Healthworks Center health coach at my work. I would highly recommend this course to anyone with kidney stones. I think a one-on-one follow-up call 1 month after the course will be helpful to address questions that come up implementing recommendations/actions from the course. I would pay an additional fee for the follow-up one-on-one. Thanks, Jill! This course has made a big difference!”
“There must be a special place on earth and in heaven for medical professionals who are so determined to share their knowledge & expertise with bewildered suffering patients. It’s a rare occurrence if my anecdotal evidence means anything. Jewels/Gems among rocks (stones being in a class by themselves)!”
Margaret C • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“This was a great course. I learned so much. Just wish I had this education 50 years ago. I can’t wait until I get the results from a 24 hr that I am doing today. I hope my values have improved. My diet have changed in many ways, low sodium, increased calcium and avoiding high oxalate food.”
“I love the FB groups which are serving as my community right now. Jill, thank you so much. You are delightful and definitely know your stuff! I am so grateful that you & Dr. Coe are doing this important work. I will definitely keep in touch.”
Linda • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“Just got the results of my X-ray…it showed NO VISIBLE STONES! This diet works! Thank you so much, Jill Harris. I literally crying with joy!”
Kristen K • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
“It was a fabulous course and am still learning as I implement everything. I wish everyone who ever had kidney stones could find their way to this.”
Diana K • Kidney Stone Prevention Course Member
I was raised surrounded by the medical community, with my mom being an RN and relatives and friends as varying types of physicians and specialties. I am accustomed to speaking with medical professionals and listening to them, so I must say that you are exceptional in your presentation. Thank you so much for this service. You empower people with education. So important.
Your course was excellent, and I am down about 15 pounds since it’s completion due to lowering of my sodium intake and following your excellent tips.
You’re amazing. I’ve been in the advertising/film industry, as an art director/writer, for many years and have produced many training/coaching videos, as well. I’ve worked with so many speakers and have always thought that the best way to inspire any group is to be natural, have a sense of humor and, of course, be informing. Your are very, very good.
Mike K.
At this time last year while I was under the care of a Urologist I was still somewhat lost, overwhelmed and confused over the amount of information regarding Kidney stones and more importantly I thought I was already under a good diet and maintenance plan, however I was still developing stones and I really needed help to understand much more about Kidney stones and the root causes. Having searched all over I finally found Jill & Dr. Coe’s website and read about the course. I reviewed the content and discussed with my PCP and she confirmed that it would be a great idea. I enrolled immediately and never looked back, the course has been a blessing. The course content is very understandable as Jill does an outstanding job delivering the content in each session. The idea of having several other participants taking the course together and sharing their experiences was fantastic. Jill was always available for any follow-up questions and guidance. Taking this course has really helped to restore my sanity. It’s also helped me understand exactly how both my diet and my lifestyle needed to be changed and managed. All of my tests have all now headed to the right direction since I started the course. The course has helped me to integrate all of the content, materials, technique’s and principles into my daily living. This was easily the best healthcare investment I have ever made, I’m forever grateful to both Jill and Dr. Coe
Meal Plan Subscribers
“Your Meal Plans helped me immensely when I first got started with the Kidney Stone Diet. I didn’t have to think about “what should I make”, “what can I have”. I just picked one of your recipes and went with it—and they are yummy!
Learning portion control with the right ingredients kept me from being overwhelmed. Best money (and so reasonable!!) spent to help me “slide on in” to “no-stone healthy”. Thanks Jill!”
Meal Plan Subscriber
“Over the past 40 years, I have formed a stone about every 6 years eating the wrong way. Three of those stones required surgical intervention.
Now that I am religiously following the KSD, the 24hr urine test shows that all of my urine chemistry is exactly where it’s supposed to be. Therefore, since I have eliminated the internal environment that caused stones to form, I fully expect to never have another stone again.
As an added benefit, my body has never felt better and cleaner. The KSD is an incredibly healthy way to eat whether you form stones or not. In my mind, water is the key to a healthy body, and sodium is nothing but poison.”
Meal Plan Subscriber
“I had 6+ interventions for kidney stone-related issues over the years.”
“I had suggestions from doctors to reduce dark greens and drink more water. It wasn’t until I found Jill and this group, that I fully understood how to eat for my body. It can seem overwhelming at first, with lots of information. Look at all the time & money you’ve lost on dealing with kidney stones, and invest some time & money in your future health.
This group saved my quality of life & health. Once my last set of stones was removed, I’ve been getting clear reports. I mostly lurk now, enjoying new recipes and encouraging someone at the beginning of this process. Every single one of us started with pain, fear, and frustration. Keep going, friend.”
Meal Plan Subscriber
“Really enjoying the Meal Plan subscription, not only because it is a serious time-saver, but the food has been really good! Tonight my son asked ‘What’s a lentil?’, and I replied ‘Looks like we are going to find out together!’ We both gave the Sloppy Joes two thumbs up. Thank you, Jill, for making meal preparation easier and healthier!”
Stacy L • Meal Plans Subscriber
“Jill, you’ve given me a great gift – a way to control kidney stones and diabetes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am eternally grateful.“
“In the two-year period before I knew I needed you, I’d been on an eating program that reduced my A1C from 8.0 to 5.6. I’d given up all added sugars and many types of foods, but still, I was thrilled to see my diabetes numbers go lower every 6 months. But what I added in those two years were monster kidney stones.
When I switched to your diet in August 2020, I was scared that I was about to undo all the good I’d done; I decided to stick to your plan unless my first 2021 blood draw showed my A1C climbing.
Guess what? In 7 months my A1C increased from 5.6 to only 5.7 – still low and healthy! I am ecstatic!
I follow the kidney stone prevention diet, counting my oxalates, sodium, calcium, fiber, and meat proteins. I drink 3 liters of fluids per day, 84 oz in the form of plain water. The only thing I don’t do is added sugars as I’ve never heard a good reason to bring them back after kicking them out so long ago.”
Joan • Kidney Stone Diet Meal Plans Subscriber
The inspiration you need to make healthy food choices every day.
“One of my many Kidney Stone Diet Meal Plan preps… All DELICIOUS and SAFE to eat! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
So far, I’ve made:
- Cauliflower Mac n cheese
- Southwestern burrito bowl
- Chicken salad lettuce wrap
- Zucchini burrito boats
- Sunshine eggs
I loved every single one! Meal planning is my least favorite thing to do. Thank you, Jill, for helping me to change my life habits for good! 💕
Jill Harris, your Meal Plan was exactly what I needed to get ideas on how to start to alter my diet without getting crazy about everything I put in my mouth!
This REALLY helped with anxiety there. My husband – diabetic – has not complained at all as the meals I’ve chosen from your plan are delicious…AND easy to prepare. We’re fueling our “machines.”
Grateful for all you do to help us along the way!
Linda B • Meal Plans Subscriber
“I just subscribed to Jill’s Meal Plans and, I must say, it is truly awesome!
It gives a daily recipe plan that includes a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipe. She calculates all the sugars, sodium, and oxalates as well as all nutritional information for each recipe.
I’m SO glad I subscribed—it’s a truly fabulous resource.”
Victoria • Meal Plans Subscriber
“I went to my primary care doctor today for my annual physical and blood work results. My doctor was impressed with my bloodwork and my weight loss of 80lbs. Everything was in the lower end of the normal range. I’m so happy that my triglycerides were in the normal range for the first time ever!
Thank you, Kidney Stone Diet! Thank you, Jill Harris!”
Natalie H • Meal Plans Subscriber
“I signed up for the subscription to Jill’s Meal Plans on her website. I’ve honestly got to say I’ve never eaten so healthy in my life and the recipes taste amazing! Even my nine year old daughter is eating healthier and loving it.
I highly recommend the Meal Plans.”
Jane W • Meal Plans Subscriber