with Jill Harris, LPN, CHC
If you’re new here, allow me to introduce myself… I’m Jill Harris—Your Kidney Stone Prevention Nurse I’ve been a nurse since 1998, starting my career at the University of Chicago. Early on, however, I realized I wanted to do more than care for patients AFTER they landed in the hospital—I…
Today, we’re taking a brief look at the most commonly prescribed medications for kidney stone prevention, why doctors choose them, and the medical conditions that can make them necessary. Here’s how each medication works, the conditions it treats, and how lifestyle changes can enhance its effects.
The goal of sharing this information with you is not to scare you but to inform you of what is typical with stents and what isn’t, as well as how to manage them and what to expect. Being informed about these factors can help you feel more in control of…
Kidney stone disease is complicated and difficult to manage if you’re not getting the proper guidance. It’s NEVER one thing—there are usually many reasons you’re still making kidney stones despite the fact that you gave up spinach and almond products and your doc says everything “looks fine.”
Hi! Happy November. I am ready for it! So, I have been meaning to write about the correlation between bone and stone disease for a while now and figured today was the day. Dr Coe, my mentor, has always said, “Wherever you see a stone clinic, a bone clinic is…
Upon first meeting, many of my patients have already given up all nuts and seeds for fear of the high oxalate content. However, there are only a few nuts you should give up to lower urine oxalate.
Welcome to a day in my life filled with private consults. I find it a true joy and privilege to help you navigate your kidney stone journey. Whether reviewing 24-hour urine collections or helping someone integrate the Kidney Stone Diet® into their current lifestyle for weight loss, diabetes, or food intolerance, each…
Let’s talk about your total protein needs per day. Eating meat (anything that flies, swims, or runs) will play a part in your total needs. Go to my Meat Protein Calculator to determine how much meat protein is okay for kidney stone formers. Here is an article to help you understand meat and its…
Below is my summary of a very lengthy study on vitamin D and calcium. Here is the complete study for you sciencey folks who like to get down and dirty into the details. Kidney stones are like tiny, hard pebbles that can form in your kidneys when certain substances in your urine,…
“Jill, how much oxalate is in ___________? It’s not on the list.” My answer is the same now as it was decades ago: eat that unstudied food once or twice a week (I am very practical—you might have leftovers) in normal portion size and meet your calcium needs each day.
Harvard recently updated its oxalate list—you can read about that here—and many of you were concerned that the numbers had changed and demanded answers! I hope our time together today helps you understand the big picture so you can feel less overwhelmed about this change. The worry over the new list…
BIG NEWS!!! In November 2023, Harvard reported on some new and old foods that have been studied. However, I just found out about this information as it is buried on Harvard’s website. We at Kidney Stone Diet have been working all week, night and day, to update our current Harvard…
Not too long ago, I asked my private Facebook group members to tell me what has helped them pass their kidney stones. There were nearly 200 responses, and here are the most common at-home remedies for kidney stone patients from kidney stone patients. They are not in any particular order, but I…
A recent study shows who is at risk for kidney stones and why. It’s a lengthy study, so I thought I would summarize it and save you time. 🙂 Abstract Summary IntroductionKidney stones, a common urological condition, have been recognized since ancient times. Despite advances, the global prevalence of kidney stones is…
Here you will hear all the kidney stone prevention myths I’ve heard over the past 25 years, which have been interesting and frustrating to say the least. If these potions, pills, wives’ tales, etc, worked, millions of people would not be making kidney stones!
Today, we discuss the oxalate levels of tea. I have written about tea and other beverages on Dr. Coe’s website from the University of Chicago, but not on my website. It’s a common question from my students and patients, so let’s dive in.
I hear from people all the time who say they miss eating beans. Most of the vegans and vegetarians I have worked with over the years were eating too many beans to get their protein needs met, along with never getting enough calcium into their diet. It’s a perfect mixture for making…
This post is a refresher on why each part of the Kidney Stone Diet is important and how each goal can lower your stone risk. If you forget the goals, here is a pretty infographic to put on your phone. Drink Your Fluids Students ask me all the time, “How much do I…